A 'HINT' to Get More Campers This Year - Joanna Warren Smith

Intentionally Connect with New and Established Networks!


Parents in focus groups often complain that the camps they contact seldom do more than respond once in a cursory manner.  And many moms and dads report that some camps never respond at all.  This is hard for me to believe, but I hear it so often that I must address it.


  • Capture Every Single Inquiry.  Whether parents call, email, inquire via the web or meet you at an open house/camp fair, you must secure the data, identify the date of inquiry and put them in the 'courtship to the sale' sequence.  Immediate response, 2/3 day phone call, 5-day email, then monthly relationship building communications showing the value of your experience.
  • Target Each Individual Network.  The content of the message may be universal, but the context is best when it is specific to the group.  Intentional messaging such as 'When you were with us two years ago ...', or 'As you're thinking about camp for your child ...' indicates to the consumer that you are paying attention to them specifically and that you are detailed enough to communicate correctly.
  • Refresh All Communications to Returning Campers and Parents.  Take the time to rewrite and change visuals in ongoing communications to show your attention to detail, keep interest high and increase retention.

Every contact that you have with prospective and current client either enhances their appreciation of who you are and what you do OR  indicates that you're just making a minimal effort.  Which impression do you want to make?


Going to ACA or Tri-State?  Email me at campconsulting@roadrunner.com or call 310-451-1876 and we'll plan to get together.

(Note from Travis:   We are so thrilled to be posting the always brilliant HINTS from camp consultant Joanna Warren Smith!  If you don't already you should sign up to receive these HINTS in your email - in the left-hand column of Joanna's website: http://camp-consulting.com/)


Travis Allison
I will Consume Less and Create More. Podcaster, photographer, community builder for summer camps, schools and worthy organizations.

It's Time To Have Some Real Talk With Your Staff


Gabrielle Raill - Podcaster and "Designing Staff Training" Instructor