Sneaking in the Basics During Training - Camp Code #137

At camp, we always want to teach the new stuff, but sometimes we REALLY want to sneak in some basics. Listen today to find out!

We all try our very best to pack absolutely everything we can into staff training.  How do we find room for it all?  How can we sneak those basic skills our staff all need to know into an already packed schedule?  We’ve got some ideas.  Just us and our special guest, Kim Aycock.


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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Gabz

One idea that I use to help reinforce learning taught throughout training is to have designated staff members act as note takers during the day. The following day, provide print outs of the notes everywhere your staff will be. On the tables during meals, in the bathrooms, on staff pillows and literally everywhere else possible. One thing I like to do is provide notices on the walls in the bathrooms highlighting whats going to be covered today and key takeaways from yesterdays training, 

Writing things down and sharing with your staff helps to reinforce retention with you staff and can be a tool to demonstrate progress for your staff during the training sessions.


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Twenty Years of Staff Training - What We’ve Learned - Part 1 - Camp Code #138


Are Staff Actually Different Than They Used to Be - Camp Code #136