Go Camp Pro

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Congratulations Gabrielle!!

Gabrielle Raill - National Award of Honour Winner

We at CampHacker and Go Camp Pro would like to take this moment to offer our heartiest congratulations to Gabrielle Raill who is this year's recipient of the Canadian Camping Association's (CCA) Jack Pearse Award!

As many Camp Mavericks know, Gabrielle has made a truly stunning contribution to the development of the professionalization of our industry.  From co-hosting two of our podcasts: Camp Code and CampHacker (as well as co-hosting one of the earliest camp-focussed podcasts: Camp Nation), from presentations on camp leadership and staff development in 8 countries and 4 continents, and to her work on the CCA's #ThanksToCamp / #GraceAuCamp awareness campaign, Gab had proven herself an industry leader. 

The Jack Pearse Award

Gabrielle's contributions have been recognized this week by the CCA for her  "efforts to provide outstanding service to the national organization."

Thanks for Letting Your AWESOME out, Gabz!

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