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Key Skills We Need To Work on In 2024 - Camp Code #133

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Here is what we need to focus on to make the upcoming summer the best it can be!

Talking with Camp Pros at Conferences this Fall, we’ve noticed a lot of similar issues folks are dealing with. Join us as we discuss key skills that require our focus for a positive and successful 2024 camp season.


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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Beth and inspired by Kelly Schuna

Vulnerability is a powerful tool that we should all learn to harness and today we want to share thoughts on how we believe vulnerability can be used to repair relationships. As leaders, there are going to be times where we need to have hard conversations AND there will be times where we screw up having those conversations. When we go back to that person to reconcile, there are three phrases that you can use to demonstrate vulnerability: 

  1. I didn’t like how I handled that. 

  2. So… that wasn’t my best work.

  3. Here’s what I wish I would have said.

Teach these phrases to your staff. It demonstrates reflection in our work and demonstrating vulnerability allows us to recover from our mistakes with ease.


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