Marc Cooper - Sunshine Spreader

Marc Cooper is sunshine, and we’re better people getting to bask in his rays.

Marc Cooper - Sunshine Spreader

Marc Cooper - Sunshine Spreader

During the beginning stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Marc stepped up to volunteer on the “Pandemic response team” to help the summer camp industry manage through the early unknowns.

Part of his contribution was a column in Go Camp Pro’s daily COVID + Camp newsletter that went out to over 2000 camp professionals across North America every day from April through to June.

Marc’s column was called “Spread a Little Sunshine”.

Amidst a global pandemic, Marc Cooper found over 64 ways to help us see the world in a little brighter light. Through banana bread recipes, stoic quotes and reminders to write thank you cards, Marc Cooper spread sunshine.

As the Camp Director of Camp Tamarack in Ontario, Canada, Marc founded the “Sunshine Club” - where Marc and his staff members could freely share about their relationship with their mental health and be in community together. Because of Marc, there are teens, youth and adults all over the world who know themselves better and can shine a little brighter.

from Matt Honsberger:

In May 2020, my partner Laura turned 30 years old. Still in lockdown, I was trying to think of a way to celebrate in a way more special than just another Zoom call. During a phone call about starting a Podcast, I, very flippantly asked Marc if he would run a paint night for a bunch of Laura and my friends. Marc immediately said yes and created a shopping list, full plan and a wonderful painting session all based on some of Laura’s favourite artists.

Marc showed up that evening dressed as Bob Ross and lead us through one of the most hilarious, inclusive and engaging paint sessions of my entire life.

At the end of an email exchange, with me trying desperately to pay him (which he refused), I asked him how long he would be available for.

Marc said this: 

“We paint until it’s done. However long. All I have is time. And for friends I have even more time” 

Marc Cooper made time to spread sunshine.

Marc + Cow Onesie + Grocery Store

Marc + Cow Onesie + Grocery Store

  • He always remembered birthdays.

  • He wrote thank you cards. Constantly. 

  • He dressed up in cow onesies to go grocery shopping in the middle of a pandemic.

  • He was the first to say yes to joy and the first to go to bat for you when you needed him.

It’s no coincidence that Marc’s dog is named Sunny. The last time I saw Marc in person was this past February. Marc and Sunny helped to socialize our dog when she was a bit too over-excited to take to a dog park, so we had doggy play dates.

When I look back on that moment, I remember our intimate and real conversation with the backdrop of the unbridled joy of two dogs having the times of their lives.

It was a cloudy morning, but his sun was certainly shining on us at that moment.

From Travis Allison:

“How can I help?'‘

Marc said that to me all the time. (That and “I can’t wait until we can go get a Caesar together again!”)

Marc was generous and exceptionally kind and he sent me more personalized video messages wearing silly hats than I can count.

I was lucky enough to enjoy two “paint nights” that Marc put on, one for Laura’s birthday, one for a group of people we call the Pandemods. Marc was a member of that team. The team that helped solved problems for camp people all over the world during the Covid Pandemic.

He did lots of things to help out the summer camp industry over the last 18 months but I will always be grateful for how he worked so hard to look after us all.

I just checked and Marc sent me 6 Bonjoro messages in the last year. I will treasure those.

from Joe Richards:

Marc Cooper is one of my favourite camp people.

So many stories and so many memories. One time he and I borrowed a video game. Small story not many people know it...

I last saw Marc about a year ago when we met up for lunch when I was in the Toronto area. Having not seen him for a while I wasn't positive what he would look like with a mask on and longer hair.

I pulled into the plaza and saw a car that looked like Marc's and saw Marc get out and I said, "Hey man!" And he said, "Hey long time no see!" And we had this awkward exchange until I realized - that's not Marc Cooper.

I looked over on the sidewalk and there is Marc laughing his ass off because he watched the entire thing.

I'm laughing writing this. Thanks for the laughs, Marc.

You will be missed.

Normally, people would say something like, “the world is a little less bright without Marc Cooper in it.” but this is not the case.

The light Marc gave continues to shine through the thousands of staff, campers, friends, families, business partners, artists and strangers he met.

We will honour Marc by spreading sunshine.

Save birthdays in your calendar. Give your time to others. Wear something to the grocery store that will make someone smile and please - call people and see how they are doing.

Spread sunshine, and think of Marc.


Marc wrote a book in 2014 called “Forgettable to Unforgettable”, all about growing into an extraordinary leader. This is on the page one:

“Four words. You can be unforgettable”.

Marc. You will not be forgotten.

May your memory be a blessing, and a ray of sunshine.

We love you.


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