Early Warning Signals - Camp Ahead #5

Signals of Change and Strategic Flexibility

In this episode of Camp Ahead, we dive deep into the fascinating world of "Signals of Change" – those intriguing hints that something big might be brewing on the horizon. From mushroom furniture to shifting political landscapes, we explore how staying curious and aware can help camp professionals navigate an uncertain future. Join us as we discuss turning potential warning signs into exciting opportunities and ensuring camp remains a vital force in shaping the next generation.

Tune in for insights on planning for the future while staying rooted in community values.

  • 01:42 Understanding Signals of Change

  • 04:46 The Importance of Awareness

  • 08:28 Financial Strategy and Future Planning

  • 09:36 Supporting Camp Professionals

  • 12:23 Adapting to Global Changes

  • 17:21 The Role of Camp in Personal Development

  • 33:24 Final Thoughts and Key Signals of Change

  • 37:50 Closing Remarks and Contact Information

Episode Quotes:

  • “Pronoia is the antidote for paranoia. It’s the understanding that the universe is fundamentally friendly. It’s a mode of training your senses and intellect so you’re able to perceive the fact that life always gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.” Rob Brezsny

  • “Except in extreme circumstances, happiness is mostly internal. One sets a ‘horizon line’ in one’s life and decides that everything above it is joy, everything below is grief. My horizon line is well placed to make sure that most of my landscape is happy.” Raymond Teller


Our Hosts:

Jess Elfring-Roberts - Executive Director, Episcopal Camps & Conference Centers

Joe Richards - Executive Director, Pearce Williams Summer Camp and Retreat Facility

KJ Williams - Camp Director, Phantom Lake YMCA Camp



A huge thanks to our sponsors for making this possible.


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