Digging Deeper Throughout the Hiring Process - with Kim Aycock - Camp Code #145

Dig deep with your hiring process!

In this episode of Camp Code, brought to you by GoCamp Pro, the hosts delve into advanced hiring processes for summer camps, sharing favorite interview techniques, key questions, and critical steps to take once staff are onboard to ensure retention. Featuring guest Kim Aycock of Kimspiration, they discuss the benefits of personalized interview questions, the importance of transparent communication, and maintaining continuous connection with potential hires through strategies like quick application forms and spring series. Let’s dig in!


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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Kim 

Going back to the interview question. I forgot to say this, don’t use  hypothetical questions. Hypothetical questions give you hypothetical answers. I think just really knowing what your staff are, like what they're hoping to gain and what, what growth that they want to have, whether it's personal growth, professional growth, really speaks a lot about how much we care for them, and then if we circle back to that and help them.


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Unpacking the Ultracamp Summer Camp Employment Study - with Donnie Keele - Camp Code #146


Supporting our Staff - with Kim Aycock - Camp Code # 144