Staff Retention in a Post Pandemic World - Camp Code #113

Staff Retention in a Post Pandemic World

The Camp Code hosts recognize that the camp world is changing, rapidly, and in some cases, drastically.  The way we used to do things just won’t cut it anymore. Over the years and now more than ever, hiring and keeping staff has become an issue that so many of us struggle with.  Join us today while we discuss:  Staff Retention in a So-Called Post Pandemic World


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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Gabrielle

Imagine being in a spot where your staff training sessions have been planned and leaders have been given the time to prep for the session they are leading. The day has come and a new team member is a bit concerned over the session not being ready and wants to have some extra time to finish their session.


To help enable your staff to be more prepared and set expectations, why not set a goal for your staff to preemptively create instructional videos on their session. These videos do three things: 


  1. Help your staff develop the muscle memory they need to present material in person.

  2. Influences your staff to create powerpoints that can be used in their instructional videos.

  3. Allows you to start developing a staff training library with a collections of sessions that your staff can refer to or watch in the event that they miss a session.


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How to Build a Positive Camp Culture - Camp Code #114


How to Best Set Up International Staff for Training - with Bethany Wright - Camp Code #112