Volunteer Training Management - with Matt Wilfrid - Camp Code #129
Volunteer Training Management - with Matt Wilfrid
In this podcast episode with guest Matt Wilfrid, we spotlight Campfire Circle, an Ontario-based organization supporting families and children facing serious illnesses. Campfire Circle’s extraordinary volunteer program, led by volunteers aged 19 to 90, is central to their success. These volunteers contribute their time and skills to diverse roles, from the Toronto office to community programs and overnight camps, totaling over 135,000 hours of support. The organization’s training and ongoing support are tailored to each volunteer’s unique needs. Campfire Circle’s volunteer program is a shining example of the transformative power of community-driven, intrinsic motivation.
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Best Practice for Leadership Training
From Matt Wilfred
Take advantage of offsite events during staff training. Ideas can include mini golf or hiking, as long as its offsite to break the cycle that takes place off camp. What’s even better is going to these offsite events with intention. In Matt’s example, before they left for minigolf, they had their staff divide into four categories based on skill. Allow your staff to put themselves into their own group to allow them to set their own expectations going into the event. Put intention into your offsites to help include all your staff.
Special Guest:
Matt Wilfrid, Director of Overnight Programs at Campfire Circle
Your Hosts:
Beth Allison, Camp Consultant - Go Camp Pro
Ruby Compton, Chief Exploration Officer - Ruby Outdoors
Gabrielle Raill, Camp Director - Camp Ouareau
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