#NotCampCamp - Day 3 of 4
Day 3 - 5 Creative Ways to Promote an Online Program
Check this out! Matt’s droppin’ awesome in this video.
5 ways that you can be really creative (and he’s “walking the talk”, too - watch for the hidden gems in this vid) about attracting paying camp customers to your online programs.
*NB: also super-smart for those running free programs who see them as a way to build trust before your camp registration opens.
Day 1
5 ways get and keep engagement in online sessions for kids (or your staff)
Day 2
5 tips for online staff training - yes, this can be REAL training. Yes, your camp staff can excel at this!
Day 4
We’re going help you answer the most basic question about an online venture! Watch for the email at 1 pm!