Parents Don't Read... And What To Do About It
We assume most web text is awaste of our time.We scan to see if we care about the information. Then come back for more if we do. There is too much information out there to read it all.
If you want parents to read your material don’t write long paragraphs. Keep it short. Assume they will only read the bold and the headers. Use videos, images, and infographics to make your point.
This is true everywhere.
Emails, print material, websites, registration, etc
We Need to Show Parents Why They Should Care
Using bolded words, headers, and sub-headers.
These will stop the scan and give you a short break to tell your story. Follow with short paragraphs, each making a single point. Short and read is better than in-depth and glossed over.
Video is King
In 2017 video accounted for 69% of all consumer internet traffic*
For many people its easier to watch a video than read. Youtube receives more than 1 billion unique visitors a month**, more than any other channel, besides Facebook. Videos share information, tone, and branding better than any other medium and people actually watch them.
The Traditional Long Camp Video is Dead
Informational videos should be less than 90 seconds. Less than 30 seconds is even better.*** Longer videos need to have an engaging story arc to keep audiences.
Below are some great videos and some resources for creating your own, on a budget.
What's next!?
"Communication is the sender sending a message and the receiver receiving it"
Start small. Pick one question or problem you get year after year and solve it for parents. Use video or redesign the text to be more easily read. We can better craft our messages making them easier for our parents to receive.
Reach out! I'd love to help. Jack