The Best Word of Mouth Marketing (Referral) resources for summer camps

Creating a Referral System for your camp

I got to spend a great hour with Duncan Robertson from CampTree talking about:

  • why camps should focus their energy on referral marketing (or word of mouth marketing)

  • how we can use referrals to make our jobs easier AND get new camp families better aligned with our mission

  • how word of mouth starts even BEFORE someone registers for camp

There were so many awesome questions and comments - we're so grateful.

Here are the Resources we talked about:

  1. The Being Useful list - a camp-director compiled list of articles/podcasts/videos and blogs that you can send out once in a while to current and potential camp parents as a trust-builder. The price of admission: submit one Useful article at this link. (within 48-hours we'll add you to the Google Spreadsheet with over 200 great articles)

  2. Getting Great Online Reviews - Before You NEED Them. How to ask for honest reviews and make it easy for your camp community (+ a whole lot more)

  3. ​Reward WOM Referral Champions - a 5-page guide to tailoring your rewards to match your camp culture

  4. Ruby Compton (the Camp Code podcast)'s two awesome articles on Camp Ambassador programs that she ran:

If you’re interested in being notified about these kinds of free marketing resources and other marketing/word of mouth programs from Go Camp Pro… please sign up now:

Travis Allison
I will Consume Less and Create More. Podcaster, photographer, community builder for summer camps, schools and worthy organizations.

To all summer camps interested in info about COVID-19 and your related communications


A Staffing Nightmare 'HINT' from Joanna Warren Smith