How to Run Effective Scenarios During Staff Training - With Chris Rehs-Dupin - Camp Code #149

Align, Think, Respond: Scenario Training Staff

In this Camp Code episode, Chris Rehs-Dupin from TQAMP discusses the importance of running realistic scenarios during summer camp staff training to foster critical thinking and create safe and inclusive environments for individuals. The conversation highlights the need for well-structured scenarios that allow staff to practice responses to various challenges, from simple daily questions to worst-case scenarios, ensuring they are prepared for real-life situations. The episode also explores best practices for using skits, the role of senior staff in training, and the importance of debriefing to reinforce learning. Additionally, the hosts emphasize the value of diversifying perspectives, creating a safe space for failure, and avoiding turning scenarios into competitive games.


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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Chris 

When choosing scenarios for training, avoid using real-life events that were traumatic and still fresh in people's minds. If an incident deeply affected the camp, participants may struggle to think objectively and problem-solve due to lingering emotions. Instead, find alternative ways to present challenging scenarios without drawing from recent distressing experiences.


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