Accountability For Your Camp Experience - Camp Code #121
Accountability For Your Camp Experience
Being accountable for our words and actions is a life skill, and it’s ongoing. How do we best prepare and mentor our staff to be accountable for all they do throughout the summer? We all know the basics: setting expectations and setting boundaries. In this episode we dive in to help you to have tools (or enable YOU to be accountable) for teaching accountability.
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Best Practice for Leadership Training
From Beth
After teaching camp staff a topic, ask for their input. Then, ask them what happens when folks don’t practice <insert the topic/skill that was taught during the session here>.
For example, Beth ran a session with staff called “Wherever you are, be all there.” During that session, Beth wrote the following phrase on a whiteboard and asked staff to fill in the blank:
Own your own ________.
Staff responded with answers like mistakes, space, attitude, health, drama, conflict, laundry. After, I put groups in to small discussion groups and asked “What happens when you don’t own your _______.”
After some time, bring the group back together and ask “What falls apart when people don’t own their stuff.” Finally, I asked “How does this make you feel” and ask staff to reflect on issues and discuss how to avoid the pitfalls that the groups came up with.
Your Hosts:
Beth Allison, Camp Consultant - Go Camp Pro
Ruby Compton, Chief Exploration Officer - Ruby Outdoors
Gabrielle Raill, Camp Director - Camp Ouareau
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