Staff Stamina - Camp Code #120
Staff Stamina
We have been hearing across the industry that summer staff don’t seem to be quite as “in-shape” as they used to be – that is that perhaps they don’t have the stamina to make it through the physical and emotional labor of the summer. Let’s talk about the training they need to get pumped to do their personal best.
Resourceful Reads
Chris Bailey - The Productivity Project
Gretchen Ruben - The Four Tendencies
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Best Practice for Leadership Training
From Ruby
With experience in outdoors training, often we speak about the five ways that a body loses heat. There’s a simple metaphor when translating body heat to employee stamina. For today’s best practice, we’re going to explore the metaphor of a body losing heat with a body losing energy. How do we lose heat/energy?
Radiation – Heat lost from exposed skin - Exposure from vulnerability
Convection – Heat lost from wind displacing a layer of warm air near your skin - Camp and community environments are draining and will pull energy from you.
Evaporation – Heat lost when the body loses water from sweating - Working hard
Conduction – Heat lost though contact with a colder object such as cold floors or ground - giving & maintaining other people’s energy
Respiration – Heat lost from breathing cold air - lost energy through maintaining the status quo.
Once discussed and shared with the team, have your staff discuss how to insulate their energy loss.
Your Hosts:
Beth Allison, Camp Consultant - Go Camp Pro
Ruby Compton, Chief Exploration Officer - Ruby Outdoors
Gabrielle Raill, Camp Director - Camp Ouareau
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