Summer 2019 Check-In - Day Camp Pod #18

Welcome back to the Day Camp Pod! How was your summer?

It’s season 2! We are so excited to get back to another year of the Day Camp Pod!

As we start the season, we’re looking back on the summer of 2019. The good, the bad, the ugly and the issues that our hosts noticed at their Day Camps this year. Some of these topics will form our line-up of shows for 2019/2020 and some of them are things that you can start thinking about now!

Join our hosts, Andy, Ehren and Sam and hear more about their experiences with:

  • How to teach staff of all levels to ask for help when they need it

  • Managing last minute staffing changes

  • Dealing with the increased needs for staff and programming for children with special needs

  • Punch-passes, check-ins, communication and dealing with a family’s wild schedule

  • Working with vendors and especially bus companies

  • Keeping staff happy through staff recognition

What did you face this summer? What are some things that came up that you would like us to talk about this summer? Let us know in the comments, or send us an email to

Day Camp Tip of the Week!

Andy: Colour War For Life!

Sam: Look alike contest

Ehren:  Certificates for staff




Thanks to our wonderful sponsors who help make this Go Camp Pro podcast possible:

Bonus Resources!

Ehren’s Incident Sheet from Camp Robin Hood

Sam’s List of Resources for supporting families with a camper with special needs:

• Organizations that help. Some are these are more for hiring different abled workers. Americorp, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) may provide a job coach, Job Accommodation Network (JAN), Their school counselor can get them on the PUNS list for state funding if they have an IEP. (Individual Education Plan)


Debriefing Your Summer Season - Day Camp Pod #19


Day Camp Social Media - Day Camp Pod #17