Day Camp Social Media - Day Camp Pod #17

The best social media strategies for your day camp

If you’re reading this in mid-June, we know you’re busy, so we’ll get right to it.

Social media is here to stay, at least for now. No matter what you personally believe about social media, it’s one of the easiest ways to reach out and directly engage both parents and campers.

It’s not that you should ditch your other marketing efforts, but if you aren’t putting some intentional time into your social media, you are potentially missing out on both new acquisitions and on keeping your current clients excited about next summer!

To help you start, continue or revitalize your social media presence, Andy, Ehren and Sam are joined by Adam Baranker from Jeff Lake Camp and two day camp social media coordinators, Blair from Camp Robin Hood and Shelby from Liberty Lake Day Camp. They are here to give you the e-kick in the pants that you may need to get started now on your strategy for next summer.

Tune in to hear about:

  • Who is using what? Where are the parents and where are your campers on social media?

  • How to talk to your marketing department or social media team about what engages parents and kids the best?

  • How to use Instagram stories to sky-rocket your social media engagement

  • Why it’s so important to cultivate great photos and videos this summer.

  • Facebook and Instagram are huge, is it worth exploring Snapchat and other platforms?

  • What camps are doing great things on social media and who should you follow?

What are you doing to engage your parents and campers on social media now and during the summer? Let us know in the comments below!

Day Camp Tip of the Week!

Andy: Staff Weekly Reports - Get the inside scoop on what’s going on at camp. (check out this example from Crystal Lake - Thanks, Sam!)

Sam: Statue Tag

Ehren:  Weekly summary sheets that go out to parents to tell them what their kids did while at camp.

Adam: Switching up just the name of some camp favourite activities to keep things fresh!




Thanks to our wonderful sponsors who help make this Go Camp Pro podcast possible:


Summer 2019 Check-In - Day Camp Pod #18


Staff Anxiety and Mental Health - Day Camp Pod #16